2 years ago 18 days ago AWS Share

Using Amazon AWS EC2 and Lucee to Host Legacy ColdFusion CFML Pages

This page describes setting up a CFML server using Lucee (compatible with Adobe ColdFusion CFML pages) on Amazon's AWS EC2 cloud computing service.

I was looking for a way to host example/demo versions of some of the early websites I did around 2001-2002 in ColdFusion (which was the first server-side web language that I learned), without having to pay for a ColdFusion server. Lucee is free, though it probably requires root access to install (which rules out me using the hosting plan that most of my sites are on, including this site Byte.Yoga).

I read that installing Lucee does require root access, which I don't have on my usual shared web server (the one that this web page is being served from). Though apparently there's a "standalone" version of Lucee, which can run without installing anything — that's meant only for development and testing. It may be possible to use this on a live server, if there isn't going to be a lot of traffic, nor anything really intensive done with Lucee (in this case, only to showcase some legacy code which is quite generic and introductory-level). So this may be an option — though I haven't looked into it any further yet.

Instead, I thought I'd have a try at getting an AWS EC2 server up with Lucee on it, and see if I can get that included in the "free tier". Which, if I'm eligible, should give me 12 months free access to the AWS cloud server. If that works, then after the 12 months is up, I'll see what I want to do with the legacy CFML pages, and if it's worth keeping them up or not.

I read that access to the AWS free tier depends on several things, including your location — so I guess I won't know if I'm eligible for it until I sign up for it.

Let's see how that goes...

More coming soon!!

NOTE: This page was interrupted by a one-week "how much pentesting can I learn" challenge, and then beginning a new job as a Risk Analyst. The AWS / Lucee / CFML pages will be done soon...

Cover image by Kristi Blokhin at Shutterstock

Byte.Yoga Homepage - Australian Cyber Security Web Magazine

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