55 Articles in the category: Most Popular
PHP Script to Sync Between Two Different Database Servers
Mon, 20th of December 2021 7:13 PMThis page gives an example of source code in PHP and MySQL which can sync individual data fields between two different MySQL database servers. I use it to update from my LOCALHOST MySQL development server to...
bWAPP – A Deliberately Buggy Web App to Practice Cybersecurity
Mon, 10th of January 2022 11:20 PMThis page describes how to install bee-box, a virtual Linux installation containing bWAPP, which is a deliberately buggy web application to practice pentesting and other cyber security skills on. From the bWAPP website: ...
Simplified Game of NIM in Python with Code and Details
Thu, 4th of November 2021 8:13 PMWrite a detailed algorithm and a program that plays the ancient Chinese game of NIM. Actually, this is a simplified version of the original game. In this game, the person who runs your program will...
Insert Multiple Rows in Acceess in One SQL Statement
Tue, 7th of December 2021 9:56 PMOK I was soooo close to giving up on this. This works in Access. (Many say its impossible, but we are learning hacking skills here right?) XD. This is the...
Massively Improve the Tone of a Mesa Boogie SOB Guitar Amp
Sat, 18th of December 2021 10:09 AMThis page describes an electronics "mod" which I did in 2015, and discovered that it can massively improve the tone of a Mesa Boogie SOB Vintage Guitar Amplifier. SOB stands for "Son of...
Nuclear Bomb Explosion Simulator
Mon, 7th of January 2019 4:14 PMThe nuclear bomb simulator shows the three main dangers from a nuclear war - fireball, blast, and fallout. Try it out by typing the name of...
About Byte.Yoga
Wed, 8th of December 2021 8:46 AMThis page is still very new and being fixed up! I had to make a lot of pages fast in order to get this site online, and the large menu structure needs a lot of...
How to Make a 'Load More' Button in jQuery and AJAX
Wed, 12th of January 2022 12:44 PMThis page shows the code for a "Load More" button, using jQuery and AJAX. It can be used to add any content to a <DIV> inside web page while the rest of the page is...
How to Compile C Programs for DOS in 2021
Wed, 15th of December 2021 10:39 AMThis page explains the steps I used to re-compile a C program I wrote on a DOS PC in 1997, but using a modern PC in 2021. I wanted to do this so I could...
Learn Pentesting Basics in One Week? – Try This Challenge
Thu, 20th of January 2022 1:59 PMTo help with my Cybersecurity job search, I thought it would be interesting to see how much pentesting I can learn in a one-week period. I'll describe what I've done, starting from the basics. I'll...
Changelog for this Coding and IT Site
Tue, 7th of December 2021 5:53 PMWednesday, 21 August 2024 Changed the name of the website to Byte Yoga, and at the domain name of byte.yoga. Saturday, 11 December 2021 This new website was added to the internet. Currently the search form works in...
Legal Information and Disclaimer
Sun, 1st of July 2018 11:05 PMNo responsibility is taken for the accuracy or functionality of the content of this website. Any use or misuse to which you put this material is entirely at your own risk. General Data Protection Regulation This website...
My Coding and Developer Portfolio
Sun, 31st of October 2021 8:24 PMThis page began on 31 October, 2021 as a portfolio for my IT work, now that I'm back looking for IT work again. It was originally hosted on my Mathwiz maths tutoring website (before Byte...
Welcome to Byte.Yoga
Wed, 8th of December 2021 9:03 AMNew Website Byte.Yoga is a new website which will be featuring information, tips, advice, ideas, and a bunch of other topics mostly related to IT and Cyber Security. Why Another I.T. / Cybersecurity Website? Considering that...