3 years ago 3 years ago Python Share

How to Install Python and the Eclipse IDE

Python Questions Thread

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It will help me to learn it also.

I installed Python 3 in the class time tonight, in the "IDE" editor called "Eclipse". I already had Eclipse on my computer and had been using it for PHP which is another language, and I installed Python 3 itself from the python website, and got a basic program to run in it in the class time.

You don't really need as fancy an editor/IDE as Eclipse though it's a really good one and used by many professional coders, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to have that on my resume. 

You can prob just use the basic command line interface also, which may be easier (it would def be easier to get started though maybe less so overall as the fancy IDE has lots of nice features).

Also MIT may recommend one when we get up to doing that part of the subject.

I've got a heap of things due for another course around the time that Assigment 2 (the Python one) for this is due so I think I'll try to knock this off quickly 



If anyone is keen to try eclipse IDE there are 3 things you need

1. the eclipse IDE

2. PyDev for eclipse (you can google that)
After you install Eclipse, you should install the PyDev plugin that allows you to use Eclipse as a Python IDE.
  1. In Eclipse, click Help > Eclipse Marketplace.
  2. In the Find field, specify "PyDev".
  3. Click Install and complete the installation wizard.
  4. Restart Eclipse when prompted.

3. python for windows (which is the python interpreter itself and the only one of the three you really need as a minimum, probably)
i went for python 3 (and not python 2) based on what the textbook said though im not 100% sure we will be using python 3, it seems highly likely. python 2 is older and they are not backwards compatible (which is rare for computer languages) meaning a python 2 program usually wont run in python 3

I had to manually add the path to python into the eclipse settings, in windows it gets put in C:\Users\youruernamehere\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\python.exe
i installed them in that order and it seems fine though it may be better to install python first before eclipse or pydev (?)

and once i added that then eclipse was able to find all the other things it needed and add them to its internal settings

then i made a new project in eclipse in [main menu]/file/new/other/pydev/pydev project

Re: Python Questions Thread

Another option, if you have Kali, would be to do all the python in Kali, it's probably already installed, and the editor called gedit is nice I think and has nice code colouring and a grid background look, it's pretty cool and would be easier to set up than eclipse IDE
My NIM game is working now... I will have to go back and write the boring logic plan/flowchart sometime later (oops I didn't really say that) XD
A fancy/complex IDE (e.g. Eclipse) has some nice features, like it will tell you if your code has errors as you write it (not all errors can be detected like that but some can), also it knows where things like variable names would go and if you start typing the first few letters it will suggest options for you, and often gets the one you want first on the list, and then you dont have to type them over and over

also you can just click on a toolbar button to run your program and then it will run in the part of the screen below where your code is

also it knows the python functions etc and can suggest them as you type things in

Like this (I have a different Python program open in the code window so as not to be giving away the answers too much)


sorry that the aspect ratio of this screenshot may look totally wrong, i couldnt figure out how to get Moodle to display it well, it looks much better on an actual screen for real


How to Install Python and the Eclipse IDE

Cover image by monticello at Shutterstock

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